Monday, January 23, 2012

Art of Assisting Day 3

"If you want to get to know the body, get to know the baby toe"

Wow, day three was unbelievable. I couldn't believe it was all coming to a close. I was in even more disbelief when I realized how much I didn't want this to end! What the heck? life changing? mmmm yeah maybe?! (I swear I am not bullshitting you right now)

We started the day with a meditation lead by Brandon, followed by a morning practice... in which we held frog for a good ten minutes! The only thing worse than frog pose is coming out of frog pose! It is like hip abuse that feels real good. What the heck, yoga!

Ok, so this next activity was huge for me. We got in partners and....simply shared what came up for us. Someone stood up and shared something about receiving. And then it clicked. OMG, I do not know how to receive. Now, I am not saying that I am~ such~ a giver that I forgot the receiving part... I wouldn't say that (I am a nice person, but I can be a brat, lets he honest here) But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. It's like what Brandon said the day before about how humans are all afraid of each other...this natural fear has kept me from receiving. When you think about your life as all just receiving a gift, nothing is scary. And then you have more room and confidence to give and connect. Ah SO AWESOME

The reason I hated Assists was because I didn't like receiving
I could go on and on...It kind of all makes sense. That's so demented!

Anyways, moving on. During lunch, I sat at this bookshop and talked to this old couple who knew all about yoga and ayurveda and homeopathy. We had a good 45 minute convo. I never got their names...but they were awesome! I want to be like them someday. THUS, I officially start: Operation Anti-Cubicle.

Truth. I have learned such an amazing gift with my hands.... Assisting is really an art. It is probably one of the first art forms that I can really associate with. And that's refreshing. Also, learning about the Africa Yoga Project (post to come soon) made me realize how much I want to be doing THAT. I have a good thing going for me right now, but man, I look forward to the day when I can make change through yoga.

I Digress (again)
We ended the program by going to the mothership Baptist studio and assisting a class. I was near tears the entire time- I love it SO MUCH.

I have been home on Chicago for a few days know and have practiced twice, and I can confidently say both times, I was wishing I could assist instead. Addicted much?

Oh, and I signed up for Level One teacher training :)
Here are some pictures taken from the Baptiste facebook (we weren't allowed to have cameras)

warrior 1 assist

half moon assist


brandon helps

Brandon and Martin 

Brandon and a Samuel updog

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